Category Archives: Lifestyle-

Why We Should All Change Our Self Image

The Vanity Fair

Vanity Fair Definition Vanity Fair

This will probably be my last article for this site while I go take a break for awhile. This is a topic that has been on my mind for a long time now. In today’s modern age, image is everything. You have probably noticed Bruce Jenner- also known as Caitlyn Jenner, in the news lately as he has recently gone through his huge transformation. His daughters, the Kardashians, are also constantly in the news. What better place to show off his new image than on the cover of Vanity Fair?
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Love, Relationships And The Broken Family

What Is Love And How Does It Affect A Marriage?

love ringLove quote 1

I want to start this article by saying that I am not married, and for that reason I don’t feel like I am qualified to be giving advice to couples who are planning to get married or who are currently already married. So I decided to do a lot of research on the topic and let other “professionals” give their input and use their expertise on the subject. Within this article we will be talking about Love, relationships, marriage and how our current society has led to broken families.
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How To Animate For Beginners

Learning The Basics Of Animations- Key Frames

On the left side is a basic running animation that I made a few years ago for a video game project that I was working on. I will post links at the bottom of the article for resources for free animation software. I actually started off using nothing but Paint and Windows Movie Maker to draw out pictures and paste them all together to make animated short films. If you have a 3DS you can also use their Flipnote app game to make simple animations as well.

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Pimsleur’s Learn To Speak Spanish Review

About Pimsleur’s learning to speak Spanish program

This is a review for Pimsleur’s Learn to Speak Spanish, Latin America lessons audio software program. You can find the program by visiting the Official Pimsleur website and purchasing it for about $450 USD, they also offer discount pricing from time to time as well as a free lesson trial, and there are different box sets that you can purchase for a lower price. I had started learning Spanish several years ago off and on during my teenage high school years, but it was only recently did I really start to take it serious to learn more. So I decided I would try Pimsleur’s program to help me out.
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Battling Depression: Learning How To Cope

Battling Depression

Drawn by: Ashton and Winston Usher.Some days you just don’t feel like waking up in the morning and you just wish you could sleep all day long. Other days, you wish you never had to wake up at all. I’ve been having these feelings lately as I battle through my depression. I wrote a similar post to this article about a year ago on Google Plus and it received mostly positive feedback, so I decided to write a longer more detailed article about it. A few of my friends are also battling depression and we tend to fall in and out of it. I want to point out though that being depressed and being sad aren’t really the same thing, there is also the medical condition of chronic depression that is more severe. Regardless of the type of depression you have, we all have to deal with a form of it at some point in our lives.

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How to Check Your eBay Gift Card Balance

How It Started

gift cards Today I was given a refund for my purchase because the seller I purchased my item from deleted their account and I wasn’t sure if the transaction went through. eBay customer service made things easy and gave me my money back. However, I made the purchase through a gift card, so Paypal took the money out of my Paypal account and put it back on the gift card.

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How I Removed My Mole Without Going To The Doctor

Preparing To Remove My Mole

I want to first start by saying that I am not a doctor, a professional or a mole expert, I’m just a guy that took a risk because I don’t like doctors or going to the hospital. I am merely sharing my personal experience with you, so attempt to try this at your own risk!

Before I get on with how I removed the mole I will first tell why I wanted to do it in the first place. I had a large mole about the size of a raisin on my left side, just under where my last rib is located. At first it didn’t bother me because it started as a small dot, but then it kept growing and got wrinkly and ugly-looking and I no longer wanted it there. I searched on the internet and read a bunch of horror stories of how doctors told them bad things would happen if they did it on their own, until I found one post of a brave soul that just tried it….  I gathered my courage, said a prayer, and decided to follow in their footsteps to try it myself. All I would need was a few household items to accomplish my goal.

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Identity Crisis: How New ID Laws Are Creating Poverty In America

Living Without ID

quote large

When we talk about identity now days we normally think about our State ID cards or Drivers license, for others we think about our sense of identity and who we are as a person. In modern-day times, both definitions seem to be one and the same. Without that all-powerful ID card you are no longer a person or a human; you are no longer you, you are just a name and a face without being able to prove that you are who you say you are. Without having an ID card you will quickly find that your entire life will fall apart without it.

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Why I Hate The Social Network Cloud Services

the cloud

What is the Cloud?

Funny how the above picture looks like a mushroom cloud after a nuclear explosion. So what is the Cloud and Cloud services? In short, the Cloud is a term used to describe a network that provides services to users over the internet. These services can range from web hosting, to data storage, to account backups and recovery, to streaming services, and you can link them all together to make life faster and easier so that you can access data at the snap of your fingers.

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How To Get Started On Writing Product Reviews and Blogging

Getting Started With Blogging

I decided to write this article quite some time ago to help fellow writers and new bloggers out so that they could get started but I never quite got around to finishing it until now. One of my YouTube followers recently commented and asked me how he should get started in reviewing guitars, so I stopped putting it off and decided to do both a video and a written article. So here goes!
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