Category Archives: video games

Android App Game- Dinofour Review

Android Puzzle platformer- Dinofour

Dinofour (1) Dinofour (2)Dinofour is a cute little puzzle game for Android, made by CRAIGEATSCRAYONS. Dinofour can be found on the Google Play Store for about $1.45 USD. Dinofour is both a platform game and a puzzle game that requires you to use your brain power to navigate the levels to reach the goal and proceed to the next area.

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The Dungeoning Review- Indie Platform RPG

What Is The Dungeoning?

the dungeoning

The Dungeoning is a Rogue like platform adventure RPG that takes place in random dungeons that you have to try to survive and navigate. The Dungeoning is a Indie video game made by Nick Donnelly and can be purchased from the Steam store for about $6.99. I was sent a free promo code to review the Dungeoning so I decided to record a small gameplay video as well as write an article. If you are on the fence about playing the game, watch the video at the bottom of this article to see if it is something you like.

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Indie Platformer- Mos Speedrun 2 Review

Mos Speedrun 2

Mos speedrun 2

This is a review for Mos Speedrun 2, developed by the Indie game company Physmo. Mos Speedrun 2 is the sequel to the classic platform game Mos Speedrun, which was made for iOS and Mac in 2011. The developers say that they have added about 30 new levels, new abilities such as rope swinging, swimming, pushing blocks, wall jumping, and having to fight through spider webs to reach the end of the level. I was given a free product key from the developers to review the game and I agreed to write a review and make a video. So with that said, let’s get to it!

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Why Disney Rebooted Star Wars Clone Wars And Made Rebels

The Rebirth Of Old Heroes

Clone Wars Rebels By Ashton Usher

I want to start by saying this article is all purely speculation and observation and is not linked to any official sources. When Star Wars the Clone Wars 3D animated cartoon was first announced my first thought was “They already told this story in 2D cartoon form, why are they doing it again?” But at the time I was not aware of Disney acquiring LucasArts and LucasFilm, and with it came the birth of a new Star Wars age.
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Interstellar Marines Early Access First Thoughts (Preview)

What is Interstellar Marines?

2015-08-15_000042015-08-17_00006This is a Preview for the tactical first person Indie shooter- Interstellar Marines, developed by Zero Point software. The game can be found from the Steam web store for about $15 USD, however I received an early access key to review the game for free. I want to point out that this is a preview and not an official review since the game is still early access, so I will do an updated review for the game when a later and newer version is released. As of at the time of this review I believe they are currently on update patch 20. In this article I share my experience with the game and what I discovered while playing, and if it is worth buying at this point.

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Lost Ark MMORPG- Details And Possible Western Release (With Trailers)

Lost Ark: The Details

lost ark Online
I would like to start by saying that Lost Ark is visually and aesthetically gorgeous. Whoever was in charge for promoting the game and putting the trailers together did an excellent job. For this article I will cover the details and tell you what I do know about the game and when it will possibly be released. The point of this article is to spread the word about the game to build buzz to show the developers that western players are very much interested so that we could possibly get a NA or EU version released sometime within the next few years.

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Indie Action Game- “We Shall Wake” Releases Amazing Gameplay Footage

What Is “We Shall Wake”?


wehallwake2So what exactly is We Shall Wake? That is exactly what I was asking when I first saw the original gameplay demo that was released on YouTube a few years ago. We Shall Wake is a ridiculously fast-paced Indie action combat fighting video game developed by NOKORI·WARE, and it has grown to become something that resembles a mix of Devil May Cry meets Naruto, meets Dragon Ball Z and a bit of Dynasty Warriors; which in my opinion, is an absolutely fantastic combination.
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MMORPG Star Wars The Old Republic Free to play Review (2015 Updates)

About Star Wars The Old Republic

Screenshot_2014-10-30_00_19_01_084622 Screenshot_2014-10-30_00_20_57_207264This is a review for the massive multiplayer online roleplaying game, Star Wars The Old Republic, developed by Bioware and published by EA back in 2011. The game was originally subscription based and pay to play but they later released a free to play version of the game. Star Wars The Old Republic (SWTOR for short) story takes place more than 3,000 years before the rise of Darth Vader, where the Galactic Republic is in an ongoing war against the Sith Empire. SWTOR has eight classes and eight species and allows you to choose between siding with the Sith Empire or the Galactic Republic. The recent updates has added a lot of new content to the game, so in this article we will be taking a look at all the changes that were made, while also reviewing the basic functions the game has to offer.

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How LucasArts killed my two favorite Star Wars games of all time (repost)

Why Did You Kill Them LucasArts?

clonewars LucasArts used to be one of my favorite gaming companies. They made games like Rogue squadron, Knights of the old republic, and the Force unleashed. But they also killed my two favorite Star Wars games of all time. LucasArts used to make amazing games that I would play for hours on end- that is, until they started making some really strange choices for which games they should and shouldn’t release. I have two Star Wars games in my favorites list, and most of you will probably know them right off the bat. This article may seem like a rant, but it really does make me angry that LucasArts killed my two favorite Star Wars games of all time.

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